Colics in horses: useful tips for prevention
Colic is one of the most common and delicate issues in horse care.
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Colic is one of the most common and delicate issues in horse care.
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, anti-oedemigenous and pain-relieving properties, it is perfect for protecting horses’ osteoarticular well-being.
The use of clay dates back to very ancient times and even today it has not lost its fame as a natural remedy with a thousand uses.
The warm season is upon us and for many riders it is time to take the clipper in hand…
Here we are at our second meeting with our Unika Blog Naturopathy section. I am Sara Maiani, specialized in Natural Medicine, Clinical Phytotherapy and Naturopathy.
Born in 1995, Mirko began to practice the discipline of “combined driving” at only 6 years old, spurred by his family’s passion for the equestrian world, he began to approach national and international competitions at 17 years old
Dear readers we are pleased to celebrate the new year, on our blog, with a wonderful interview together with Nicolò Tallone, Unika Ambassador and Endurance rider, Piedmontese DOC, class of 1991 who in life has chosen to dedicate himself to a trade as ancient as fascinating, that of the blacksmith.
This year we feel a bit like “Willy Wonka” and so we decided to create our own Golden Ticket, The Golden Uniko!
Quante volte ci siamo chiesti se esiste un modo naturale per fronteggiare le malattie dei nostri amati cavalli, perché no, prevenirle?
One of the problems that most often lead owners to turn to Unika specialists is the thinness of their horses and the consequent need to increase their weight and improve their physical condition.